Tuesday, 20 March 2012

GE Mosquito Makes Floridians Part of Oxitec's Grand Experiment

Food & Water Watch, Statement from Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director, Food Water Watch

"The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District meets tomorrow to discuss the application from British firm Oxitec to release genetically engineered mosquitoes in the Florida Keys.

"We cannot stress strongly enough how dangerously misguided this application is. Oxitec hopes to use the neighborhoods and precious ecosystem of the Keys as their private, for-profit laboratory. The shame of it is, the company has no evidence the GE mosquitoes will even work in their stated aim of controlling Dengue fever. This feels much more like Oxitec testing its living, breeding technology than a serious attempt to control disease, and the people of Florida deserve protection.

"The Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Germany said in February that the 'risk assessment' conducted in advance of the release of Oxitec's GE mosquitoes in another country has been 'scientifically deficient' and made 'questionable pivotal scientific assertion

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